“Prayer is a means of connecting your heart with the Divine, thereby allowing grace to flow and touch your heart.
The heart is the seat of absolute transcendental truth.
A prayer that truly comes from the heart transcends all boundaries and has the power to destroy all bondage.
The power of prayer is so immense that it has an unfailing effect on the mind and heart. Prayer changes intellectual dialogue into spiritual contemplation, transforming our normal emotions into devotion.
Because it quiets our mental chatter and calms emotional turmoil, prayer creates the environment for the inward journey.
When we repeat an authentic prayer our minds and hearts are purified, and eventually the higher virtues of love, devotion, and faith begin to unfold within us.”
Pandit Rajmani Tigunait from Yoga International
“Prayer is full of emotions: deep, serene emotions, marrowed with sincerity. But when it is more of an emotional, natural than of an actual sincerity, it becomes rather jejunical, and therefore, ineffective. It is here we do not receive direct response from God.
Prayer has its consequences the nature of its response mainly depending upon the inner nature of the person who prays, his temperament and his object in view, his requirements, and his faith and sincerity the sine qua non of prayer.
Sometimes our main object of prayer becomes selfish, grossly earthly, unreasonable and irrational. We crave for our selfish ends, for the fulfilment of our material desires. It is here we experience its negative consequence.
Essentially, prayer should be selfless.
We should first pray for the good of others, for welfare and peace of the world and for our own spiritual evolution; we should pray for the eradication of our evil qualities, for wisdom and knowledge, for goodness and saintliness.”
How to Make Prayer Effective
1. Purity of Intent
2. Intensity of Focus
3. Constancy
4. Amount of Time
A Prayer for Purity, A Prayer for Divine Help
God, please don't let me say anything that you would not have me say.
Please don't let me fail to say anything that you would have me say.
Please don't let me say anything as you would not have me say it.
Please just take over and speak through me.
Lord please don't let me do anything that you would not have me do.
Please don't let me fail to do something that you would have me do.
Please don't let me do anything as you would not have me do it.
Please take over my actions and act through me.