“Satyatma has had an incredible impact on my life… You touched something inside me and its been a domino effect ever since! I knew I was meant to be a voice - you helped me find that.”
“The Light you have shone for my incredible walk along my path has been brighter than one-thousand suns. And it has expanded my being so much… I now have the courage and the beginning to openly tell my Truth.”
"I felt So Much Lighter and Clearer in my head after the session... Thanks a lot for the Tough Love and asking the Hard Questions. We Got There in the End! You are a Spiritual Rock Star!"
BEN, Australia
SATSANG: The Actual Secret of Spiritual Enlightenment
Satyatma Quotes
~~~ The PATH of LIGHT
TRUTH, SELFLESS SERVICE, and LOVE - are Difficult, Troublesome, Arduous, and Painful to the Ego. But BEINGS OF LIGHT Come to Assist You to ENDURE ON IT. THIS IS THE PATH OF THE SOUL.