Uriel is Hebrew for "The Light of God" and "The Fire of God." Fire and Light originally being the same thing at different intensities.

The high deities of the universe each hold specific bandwidths of energy for the universe. They do not do this exclusively, as of course there is much crossover, but each deity holds a primary energy and stabilizes that energy in our universe.

Uriel is the being who holds the bandwidth of Light and Fire for our universe.

His form and nature is literally composed of Divine Light and Fire, and he is associated with all of the things with which Fire and Light are associated.


The internet is littered with mystics and pseudo-mystics claiming to be able to channel Uriel (and other angels and beings) and to be able to describe his attributes.

While there is some good and accurate information out there, most of these provide extremely watered down versions of Uriel, or at worst simply miss the mark.

One of the most accurate – though not perfect - of the mystics who claim to have had contact with Archangel Uriel had this to say: “If There is One Word that Describes Uriel, It’s 'Intense.'

This archangel of prophecy, justice, and retribution rarely interacts directly with humans...Uriel is a no-nonsense angel... he demands discipline from those he connects with.

He is the teacher of scholars and prophets and teaches by example, requiring them to approach their work and life’s journey with all the seriousness and depth with which he approaches his own.

There is no room in Uriel’s book for ego, and he keeps us in check by pinching at our conscience whenever we refuse to be honest with ourselves and others.

Clairvoyants will get an eyeful when dealing with this Strong, Towering, Fiery, and Fiercely Beautiful Angel.

Visions or dreams of Uriel can be intimidating, but they can be incredibly empowering as well.

To know that such a warrior is guiding our every step, cherishing us as he would his own brethren, can bolster our courage and reaffirm our identity as children of God...

Uriel bestows keen vision, which enables clairvoyants to discern one heavenly host from another.

Those fortified by his tutelage will be able to recognize an angel’s true form without having to rely on icons.

In other words, he endows clairvoyants with the ability to see “the realm of spirit as it truly exists...” Those words were accurate and well said.

To really get an understanding of who Uriel is, one must read the original sacred texts in which he is vividly described.

He is the Principal "Archangel of the Apocalypse."

Out of the thousands of named angels and conflicting reports in Judeo-Christian mysticism, once you go beyond the official canons of the religions, no other angel is even remotely so regularly described as the lead warrior, except at times Michael Himself, who is the standard Chief Archangel in mainstream Christian thought.

There is amazing consistency in these texts on this point: Michael is the overall leader and Uriel is in charge of the Forces of Light and the Great War of the "End Times."

This actually makes sense, as He is the Light/Fire of God.

Uriel is known as the Archangel of Protection, Salvation, Wisdom, Enlightenment, Insight, Divine Order, Judgement, War, Emergencies, Changes, Magic, Alchemy, Poetry, and the Arts.

He is often referred to as the "Great Archangel of the Earth," as one of his signal roles is to be the "Protector of the Earth." He is also called the "Lord of Powerful Action”

Uriel at times appears in the form of the Lion or the Phoenix (Eagle), the two animals for whom he is the archetype.

Tellingly, Uriel is the archangel who holds the key to the pit of Tartarus, which is the prison for celestial beings who fell and became the demons who conquered the Earth and misled humanity away from the path of Light.

Uriel is in charge of punishing and imprisoning the rebel celestials after they are conquered in the final battle for the Earth.

It is Uriel who "Breaks the Unyielding and Unbroken Adamant of the Brazen Gates of Hades." It is said that only after Uriel has accomplished his mission Will Christ Return to Earth.

















  • FIRE





  • WAR







  • JOY









Quotes from Scripture about Uriel

The Apocalypse of Peter

“And Soul and Spirit
Shall the Great Uriel Give Them
at the Commandment of God;

For Him Hath God Set
Over the Rising Again of the Dead
at the Day of Judgement…

Then Shall He, Uriel,
Command Them
to Enter into the River of Fire,

While the Work of Each Man
Stands Before Him,
and Every Man Is Judged According to His Deeds.

As for the Elect that Have Done Good,
They Shall Come Unto Me and
Not See Death by the Devouring Fire.

But the Unrighteous,
the Sinners, and the Hypocrites
Shall Stand in the Depths of Darkness
That Shall Not Pass Away, and

Their Chastisement is the Fire,

and Angels Shall Bring Forward Their Sins and
Prepare for Them a Place
Wherein They Shall Be Punished,
Every One According to His Transgression. 

Uriel, the Angel of God,
Shall Bring Forth the Souls of those Sinners,
Every One According to His Transgression… 

Then Shall Men and Women Come Unto the Place Prepared for Them…
and They Shall Say One to Another:
‘We Knew Not that We Should Come to Punishment…”

This Then is Their Judgement:
A River of Fire Shall Flow and
All They That Are Judged
Shall Be Drawn Down
Into the Middle of the River.

and Uriel
Shall Set Them There…



The Sibylline Oracles Book 2: 214-245

      …The Immortal Angels
of the Undying God –
Barakiel, Ramiel,
Uriel –

Knowing All The Evil Deeds That Men Committed Previously,

Shall then, out of the Misty Darkness,
Bring All the Souls of Men to Judgement,

220       For He Alone is Incorruptible,
Himself the Almighty,
Who shall be the Judge of mortal men.

And Then Unto Them of the Underworld
Shall the Heavenly One
Give Souls and Spirit and Voice… 

228      Then Shall the Great Angel Uriel
Break the Monstrous Bars
of Unyielding and Unbroken Adamant
of the Brazen Gates of Hades,
and Cast Them Down Straightway.

He Shall Bring Forth to Judgement
All the Sorrowful Forms,

Yea, of the Ghosts of the Ancient Titans,
and of the Giants, the Nephilim,
and All Whom the Flood Destroyed...

All These Shall He
Bring To The Judgement Seat;

And when Uriel Shall Overcome Fate
and Raise the Dead,”

Then Shall Adonai Sabaoth
(The Lord of Armies),
The High Thunderer,

Sit On His Heavenly Throne,
and Set Up The Great Pillar.

240 Then Christ, Who Himself Is Incorruptible,
Shall Come to the Incorruptible in the Clouds,
In Glory with the Pure Angels, and
Shall Sit on the Seat
on the Right Side of the Great One,
Judging the Lives of the Godly and Ungodly Men.



Book of Enoch

11 And I saw a deep abyss, and within and surrounding it I saw columns of heavenly fire fall
which were beyond measure, both in their height and in their depth.

12 And beyond that abyss...

14 I saw there seven celestials like great burning mountains,
and when I inquired regarding them,

The angel Uriel said to me:
'This place is the end of heaven and earth;
it has become a prison for the celestials and the hosts of heaven...

16 And He (Uriel) was Wroth with Them and Bound Them
till the time when their guilt should be consummated,
even for ten thousand years.'

Enoch, Chapter 18

1 And Uriel said to me:
'Here Shall Stand the Angels
“Who Have Connected Themselves with Women,

Their Spirits Assuming Many Different Forms, 

Defiling Mankind and Leading Them Astray
into Sacrificing to Demons as Gods... '

Chapter 19

1 And these are the names of the holy angels who watch:
2 Uriel, one of the holy angels,
Who is Over the World and Over Tartarus...

Chapter 20

4 Then I said: 'For what sin are they bound, and on what account have they been cast in hither?'

5 Then Uriel, one of the holy angels who was with me and was

Chief over Them, said,
6 'Enoch, why dost thou ask, and why art thou eager for the truth?...

Chapter 21

1 This is the book of the courses of the luminaries of the heavens

(the celestial bodies and the deities who personify them)...

Uriel, the holy angel, who was with me,

Who is Their Guide, showed me…

Chapter 72

2 And all these Uriel, the holy angel,
Who is the Leader of Them All, showed me,
and I wrote down their positions as he showed them to me…

Chapter 74

3 For the signs and the times and the years and the days
the angel Uriel showed to me, whom the Lord of Glory
Hath Set Forever Over All the Luminaries of the Heavens…

Chapter 75

6 Such is the picture and sketch of every luminary which
Uriel the Archangel, Who is Their Leader, showed unto me…

Chapter 79

7 … the luminaries, months, festivals, years, and days
were all revealed to me by
Uriel, to Whom the Lord of the Whole Creation of the World
Hath Subjected the Hosts of Heaven.

 8 And He Has Power Over Night and Day in the Heavens,
To Cause the Sun, Moon, and Stars, and
All the Powers of the Heavens to Give Light to Men….

Chapter 82


A Description of Uriel from the Zohar

The Altar, which is called Ariel, (meaning “Lion of God” (Isaiah. 29:1–2)),
is thus Named because of Uriel,

Who Descended in the Likeness of a Lion
to Crouch on the Altar and Devour the Sacrifices.

When He Issues from the side of Chesed (Mercy),
He Manifests in the form of an Eagle,
and is called Uriel.

When Issuing from the side of Geburah (Justice),
He Manifests in the form of a Lion,
and is called Nuriel.

The Appearance of Uriel in the Altar Fire
Caused All Those Who Could See The Flames
to Experience a Change of Heart and
Repent of Their Misdeeds.

At His Descent, the Hearts of the Priests
and the Children of Israel were Gladdened,
for They Recognized thereby that
the Sacrifices Had Been Accepted with Favor...